RMP 097 - Eradicate Poisonous Programming with Dr. Amer F. Ahmed

Dr. Amer F. Ahmed holds a rare perspective on masculinity, forged by his Indian Muslim upbringing, plus extensive worldly studies. His brilliance shines as we touch on topics such as masculine social justice, the role of community in initiation, and re-defining the warrior stereotype. We go far beyond identifying the problem, and dive into solution mode. Awareness and education are key, and as a professor and speaker, Amer is the man for the job.

Show Notes:

  • Amer’s unique experience being raised in Ohio with an immigrant and Muslim philosophy.
  • Preparation for rites of passage is as important as the experience
  • Why elderhood is not based on age
  • Manhood begins when he declares it for himself, and the community reflects it back. 
  • In our colonized reality, there is an over emphasis on the individual defining this journey, vs the indigenous model of communal experiences.
  • The construct of “whiteness” and its role in American male culture.
  • Culture is comprised of what is sacred, though it is rapidly becoming commercialized
  • Patriarchy is a misrepresentation of power, it’s an attempt to deny the fact that women have unique powers.
  • Rape of the land and indigenous women are not a coincidence
  • Are all men responsible for patriarchy?
  • What does a healthy masculine look like?
  • How warrior energy is mis-represented by our dominant society, mainly by viewing it from the purely physical perspective
  • Differences between male to male intimacy across cultures. 
  • Intellectualizing social justice movements can lead to a disconnection. 
  • What can men do about racism, sexism, and these large cultural issues?
  • Why creating space for men to be real with one another is vital


How to Connect to Amer:

Instagram @dramerfahmed

Website – Amerfahmed.com – check out his upcoming engagements and find more ways to connect!