RMP 093 - When Expression Is Real, You Can Heal with Erika Shepard
While a man needs a strong brotherhood and male role models, there are certain lessons that can only come via relationships with our feminine counterparts. Today’s guest, Erika Shepard, brings her cutting edge and meaningful insights on vulnerability, expression, and sex to the podcast. Her experience as a freedom healer and coach has given her an intimate glimpse into the most common issues plaguing men and their relationships with women. We talk to the root issues here, making it vital for both single men and those in a partnership.
Show Notes:
- A man knows what he wants, and owns it
- Why many women are conditioned to live from their masculine
- Why power is often falsely associated with being a solely masculine trait
- What frustrates Erika the most about men? IT’S THE HIDING OUT
- How women can support men in stepping up into their masculinity
- Can a man show too much vulnerability to a woman? In a friendship? In a romantic relationship?
- Why unresolved and unacknowledged shame eats away at our inner peace
- Women need to stop blaming men for how they feel, and men need to stop blaming women for holding back.
- Why does rejection have to be so personal? All it means is that things were not in alignment
- How sex can be an amazing connection point, but can also lead to hiding out
Connect With Erika:
Innerfirewellnessnc.com – remote healing practice, mind body medicine, & coaching
Instagram @innerfire_wellness
Facebook @Inner Fire Wellness – Erika Shepard