“Just the simple act of being by yourself intentionally in nature burns off impurities and clarifies vision”

We talk a lot about Vision, Purpose, and Service at The Rising Man, for good reason. But without PRESENCE in the moment, these endeavors become hollow and unfulfilling. First Nature host Shawn Berry connects the dots in this episode, revealing how honoring the planet affects our lives in profound ways. Opening to the present with full availability sounds easy but in our fast paced society, it can be a major challenge. Listen in for Shawn’s wisdom on rooting into Earth’s reciprocal nature and receiving guidance straight from the Mother!  


  • [03:45] When’s the last time you wiped your slate clean and dropped false identities?
  • [05:37] Where does Western culture drop the ball when it comes to transformational work?
  • [10:50] Is pain and hardship an unavoidable part of life?
  • [16:32] Why does knowing our place in the cosmos matter?
  • [19:27] How interacting harmoniously with the planet can change our lives.
  • [23:11] Making sense of climate change and other environmental & worldly calamities.
  • [26:35] Why incorporation and integration are the forgotten keys to change.
  • [29:21] Can you see all the bad and all the good in the world and still stay objective?
  • [31:42] How to increase your capacity to be available and rooted to nature.

Rising Man Links:

Instagram || @risingmanmovement

DOJO || A 4 day, carefully crafted sequence of rigorous exercises that will challenge the limits of your mental, physical, and emotional fortitude.

Men’s Circles || Are you ready to join other men JUST LIKE YOU who have found a way to RISE ABOVE life’s challenges and create a life of purpose and fulfillment? Join our online FIRE CIRCLE! 

Online Course || IGNITE is a 12 week online program designed to ignite your purpose and propel you into freedom. Features weekly calls, online modules, growth assignments, and community support! 

Initiation – Vision Fast || Compass is a 4 day 4 night Vision Fast in the wilderness, with preparation and incorporation calls in the months before and after. 

YouTube || The Rising Man Movement

Dancing Bee Memorial Scholarship Fund || Supports our mission to provide young men with access to the medicine of nature, brotherhood, and transformational experiences.