RMP 167 - Respect The Energetics: An Indigenous Understanding of Gender with Chief Phillip Scott

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“You cannot hold your wife’s pain anymore than she can hold yours, but rather we witness, we support, we listen” – Chief Phillip Scott. 

Unhealthy paradigms surrounding masculinity and femininity reign supreme in today’s popular culture. In the quest to bring egalitarian principles to the world, we asked a seasoned elder for his perspective. We talk about achieving right relations among all people, honoring the Earth, and remaining grounded in the midst of pain.


Show Notes:

  • What does it mean to be in right relationship with the feminine?
  • Why is the Earth considered feminine?
  • How to create egalitarian relations between all genders and identities. 
  • Why invoking the ancestors is a powerful transformational aid.
  • “A mentor is not a screen for your projections, but a mirror for your reflections” – Chief Phillip Scott
  • Are you able to sit in discomfort without having to immediately fix it?
  • Is grief avoidable?
  • Do matriarchy and patriarchy imply a hierarchy? 
  • Who is White Buffalo Calf Woman and what is her importance?
  • Indigenous perspectives on Two Spirits, non-binary folks, and transitioning to other genders.
  • Why women on their moon-time are often asked to refrain from participating in lodges and ceremonies.
  • “It’s the grandmothers who are calling the shots” – Chief Phillip Scott


Connect with Chief Phillip Scott:

Facebook | Ancestral Voice, Institute of Indigenous Lifeways

Most effective way to reach him is by cell – # (415) 310-0981 – Call or text for info on ceremonies, pilgrimages, and rites of passages

Email | phillip@ancestralvoice.org