“Without clarity and confidence, intentional action is impossible” 


No matter our past, we have valuable skills and perspective to utilize. Listen in as Dr. Ben Ritter streamlines how to turn dreams into reality by sharing practical tips on self-leadership. The shift from victimhood to self authoring takes courage, but is the most liberating and exhilarating choice available. Dr. Ritter has mastered the art of turning fears into stepping stones, making his resourceful & optimistic attitude contagious.  


Show Notes:

  • How self-doubt will show up as negative habits and performance issues
  • Why constant application of new learnings is the path to success
  • What is career capital and the law of transference?
  • Why are so many men waiting around for an opportunity to knock on their door?
  • Is self-leadership the first step to manhood?
  • How to shift from victimhood/reacting to self authoring/creating
  • Why any plan is better than no-man’s land
  • How to identify your edges, and how to JUMP
  • Why making peace with the uncomfortable is mandatory for happiness
  • Learn to use positive self talk to build confidence and momentum
  • How can fear be re-interpreted and used in a helpful manner


Connect with Dr. Ben Ritter:

LinkedIn | Dr. Benjamin Ritter

Website | liveforyourselfconsulting.com

Instagram | @ritterbenj