RMP 137 - Breathe FREEDOM Into Your Nervous System with Matthew Bruce
Audio PlayerFor many men, emotional repression is the baseline response to dealing with adversity. Our guest, Matthew Bruce, is leading the charge to transform this faulty programming. As a former soldier, he knows the deep toll that PTSD is having on men. Since returning, he has dedicated himself to the healing process, and is now spreading that love and presence with men all over the world. We also talk about embodying warrior energy outside of combat, ending patterns of dissociation, and living with an open heart.
Show Notes:
- How to stand in your truth ALWAYS – regardless of circumstances
- What are other ways to embody warrior energy, outside of physical combat?
- How does mainstream thinking misunderstand and misrepresent PTSD?
- Why dissociation and repression are common issues, especially among former soldiers
- How to break free of deeply ingrained patterns of disconnection
- How traumatic and shameful moments become lodged in the body
- Possible ways to clear trauma – breathwork, somatic release therapy, meditation
- How do you reach someone who is deep in their pain?
- Do we need to reach rock bottom before we take our healing seriously?
- Can you be addicted to the healing and personal growth process?
- Why we can become attached to the narrative that we are deeply troubled
- Why to allow opportunity vs. chasing opportunity
- How our bodies intuitively knows how to process emotions, and that suppression is actually learned behavior
- Why emotions don’t always have a reason for showing up or an immediate solution
- The importance of doing our research before working with any healer or coach
- Why patience is the key to masculine mastery
Connect with Matthew Bruce:
Book | Warrior’s War: Healing The Battle With Trauma and PTSD
Website | Men’s Work Collective – digital online space for men’s work leaders to showcase their healing offerings
Rising Man Links:
Instagram | @risingmanmovement
Instagram | @jeddyazuma
YouTube | The Rising Man Movement – featuring videos of each Monday Morning Meditation episode!
Facebook Group | The Rising Man