RMP 105 - The Supreme Currency Is Trust with Duke Sayer
Audio PlayerDuke Sayer, master of language and self awareness, comes to the RMP to drop a download packed with loving responsibility. Listen in to learn how Duke has utilized these tools to be his happiest self. This happiness is vital, as it will permeate outwards for others to feel, attract desirable circumstances, and contributes to an overall sense of living authentically. We also cover the prevalence of victim culture, the importance of presence, and alternate ways to view tumultuous and difficult life situations.
Show Notes:
- Everything that shows up in one’s life reflects what one calls in
- The popularity of victim culture, and what we can do about it
- “Life is lining up for me” – a necessary belief if we want to feel that way
- The importance of generational social/cultural differences
- How tumultuous life situations can turn into deeper understandings and higher levels of perception.
- How difficult circumstances can make Stoicism incredibly helpful
- TRUST – In your self, in others, and in life itself
- “Life will support me always” – powerful response to any fearful thoughts
- No one knows the future, only the next best action to take
- Greater presence is the goal
- The power of leading by example, especially in coaching and personal growth
- Only by tuning in can we hear what we truly desire for our lives and the collective
- The universe rewards focus, persistence, and commitment
- The power of free facebook groups – both in getting support and making valuable connections
- What Duke would you tell his 18 year old self
Connect with Duke:
Instagram @dukesayerrealityarchitect