RMP 102 - Activate Your Inner King with Julian Subick
Audio PlayerJulian Subick is a writer, adventurer, and team member of the podcast. He is on today to show us what happens when we embrace the principles of the Rising Man Movement. By diving into this work just two years ago, Julian has transformed from a depressed, addicted boy to a confident, expressive man. He proves that these evolutions are accessible and attainable for EVERY MAN. We cover the importance of transparent sharing, why we are always comparing ourselves to others, and his experience fasting on the mountain.
Show Notes:
- A man is connected to service, while a boy is out for himself
- Why do we give our power away to influential people?
- How to construct our own avatars of masculinity
- Mentoring is seeing the positives in someone, and bringing that to the forefront.
- Take advice, and make it your own.
- The value of learning with a group or a team
- Expressing emotions, shameful thoughts, and all our difficulties is a major part of men’s work.
- The taboo of male to male intimacy
- The root of the Rising Man Movement is creating a safe container and loving community.
- Standing in a circle with men will level you up, even by being a more passive member.
- “Fire In The Belly” by Sam Keen – A book that “offers an inspiring guide for men seeking new personal ideals of strength, potency, and warrior-ship in their lives.”
- How we lost the connection to rites of passage journeys, and how we are recreating those lineages
- We can reconnect to our genetic culture, or respectfully learn from another
- When we put ourselves in new uncomfortable situations, we activate new parts of ourselves.
- The power in sitting in nature without any distractions
- Julian’s experience with a rattlesnake during his vision fast
Connect with Julian:
Instagram @rattlesnake_speaks
Facebook: Julian Subick