“When there is a crisis and everyone is panicking, people will gravitate to the body that has put in the most reps.”
Preparing The Body For Battle
Audio PlayerThere is always the unknown, things around the corner that you can’t see coming. How do you prepare for the unexpected? In this episode I share why you should stop winging life and why PUTTING IN THE REPS is the most proactive solution possible. Listen in and be the man your community can count on!
REFLECTION QUESTIONS: Where in your life do you feel unprepared? What does it cost you to be inadequate in that area of life?
Rising Man Links:
The DOJO || A 4 Day Self-Mastery & Embodied Leadership Training – September 7th-10th 2023 in Austin, TX!
The Brotherhood || The Rising Man’s online community – FREE to join for any man interested in brotherhood, connection, and purpose. Featuring weekly community calls + sharing prompts!
Instagram || @risingmanmovement & @jeddyazuma
YouTube || The Rising Man Movement