“There is a key combination of being a strategic planner as well as adaptable, fluid and able to accept change.”
Planning For Perfection Is Preparing For Failure
Audio PlayerHave you ever made such a detailed plan where you made sure everything would be perfect? It might have been a birthday, a special event, or even your career. Did everything go as you planned it or have you had an experience like myself where right at the beginning of the execution nothing goes as planned? In this episode we will discuss a more effective way to plan as well as how to prepare the body for adaptation when things don’t go according to plan.
REFLECTION QUESTIONS: Tell us about a time where you planned something that didn’t go your way at all? How do you handle the curve balls thrown at you?
Rising Man Links:
The DOJO || A 4 Day Self-Mastery & Embodied Leadership Training – September 7th-10th 2023 in Austin, TX!
The Brotherhood || The Rising Man’s online community – FREE to join for any man interested in brotherhood, connection, and purpose. Featuring weekly community calls + sharing prompts!
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YouTube || The Rising Man Movement