“The highest performing teams are built upon a culture of being ALL IN TOGETHER”
Team Spirit: Why Your Life Is Bigger Than Just YOU
Audio PlayerWhat does it mean to be on a men’s team? It’s when men come together in DEDICATED SERVICE to help each other become the highest version of themselves. You can only go so far alone – to build something epic and everlasting requires impeccable TEAMWORK! Listen in as Jeddy shares his top comradery building tips from 10 years of leadership and men’s work experience!
REFLECTION QUESTION: Where can you raise the standard for your team higher? It could be at work, among your friends, or on your men’s team!
Rising Man Links:
NEW OFFERING – Brotherhood || The Most inclusive, actionable, and helpful container for men on this planet!
Instagram || @risingmanmovement
DOJO || The DOJO is a 4 day, carefully crafted sequence of rigorous exercises that will challenge the limits of your mental, physical, and emotional fortitude.
Men’s Circles || Are you ready to join other men JUST LIKE YOU who have found a way to RISE ABOVE life’s challenges and create a life of purpose and fulfillment? Join our online FIRE CIRCLE!
Online Course || IGNITE is a 12 week online program designed to ignite your purpose and propel you into freedom. Features weekly calls, online modules, growth assignments, and community support!
Initiation || Compass is a 4 day 4 night Vision Fast in the wilderness, with preparation and incorporation calls in the months before and after.
YouTube || The Rising Man Movement