RMP 065 - Cure the Comparison Blues with Tully O’Connor
The FOOL PROOF way to cure ourselves of the comparison blues is to get CURIOUS. When we are curious, it creates a space of exploration where scarcity fueled comparinitus can’t exist. Curiosity exists in our own hearts, and is our innate guidance system to our highest destiny. Tap into it, and let the comparison blues fade away. Our guest, Tully O’Connor nails this topic and many more, including how to reignite our playful spirit and practical tips on leaving stale jobs for entrepreneurial pursuits.
Show Notes:
- Relationships come together with ease when the barriers are down from the start.
- Difference between boy and man – a man takes radical responsibility. A man knows when he slips back into boy habits, but he knows what is happening, and makes the proper adjustments.
- Follow Your Curiosity – all important advice to finding our Mission
- Change your thoughts, change your physiology, and it will change your life
- How to leave behind old careers and jobs – Burn the bridges immediately or do it gradually? What’s real for you?
- Falling into the comparison trap, and why it’s ridiculous.
- Notice when the competition and comparison moves from inspirational to destructive.
- Curiosity creates space
- How to reignite the playful spirit within us all.
- When we are constantly in our heads, the feminine can’t feel our hearts or feel safe
How to find Tully:
Personal Instagram @tullyoconnor
Tully and his wife run an Instagram around conscious, sacred relationships @livingin.love
He is Perth based, so check out his events if you are nearby!