Matthew Ayriss is a master storyteller and healer with a relationship history jam packed with valuable insights about dropping the double life and speaking our sexual truth. We have all lived a double life at some point in our existence. This happens because we are not clear on our Truth, and therefore tolerate a poisonous life situation. Learning to speak up for ourselves and move into the embodiment of our highest destiny is the topic of conversation.

Show Notes:

  • A man is in his purpose, truth, and knows how to he wants to navigate the world
  • A boy is looking outside himself for validation
  • Masculine energy is the bank of the river, while feminine energy is the water.
  • How to move from hunting after women to honoring their wild divine essence.
  • Do we share pictures and posts for attention or to inspire and appreciate?
  • Why living a double life is unsustainable.
  • Matthew shares wisdom around affairs, relationships, and break ups.
  • Dealing with panic and anxiety attacks, and learning how to listen to our bodies
  • We get to create the container to meet our desires
  • Why we are afraid to speak our sexual truth
  • How to consciously uncouple

Follow Matthew on Instagram @thehealingmatt, and check out his his website

You can Watch “The Art of Choosing Love” on YouTube @AdamRoa, follow the series on Instagram @adam.roa, or check out the website


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The next ELEMENTS Nature Initiation will be sometime in mid to late AUGUST 2019! Check out the video and learn more details here

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