Episode 44: From Burnout to Blossom with Matthew Cooke

The personal growth space is rapidly expanding as humans around the world want to become better versions of themselves. In this pursuit, we often burn ourselves out as we ignore the cyclical nature of life. Our guest, Matthew Cooke, offers his wisdom on sustainable high performance practices including body movement practices, renegotiating stale agreements, and opening up to our inner intuition.



  • Why so many men experience physical, emotional, and spiritual burnout
  • How moving and exercising the body opens the mind
  • We can have our dream life without burning the candle from both ends
  • The difference between agreements and commitments and how to handle them.
  • The importance of respecting our own consciousness
  • Why the body is feminine and the mind is masculine
  • Learn to be with your wild nature
  • How to tap into your intuitive powers and discernment
  • The importance of giving your consciousness a safe place to unravel
  • TAKE ACTION: Try out a new movement practice or regularly practice one that you already know.

Matthew wants to connect, find him on Facebook here

Check out his work on both The Supreme Performance Academy and the Creative Warrior Movement

Elements Initiation – Next event will take place from the 18th to the 20th in January

*-*-*Be on the lookout for Compass – which will be a 4 day 4 night vision quest in CA, sometime after the next Elements event in 2019.*-*-

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Instagram @jeddyazuma

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