Episode 24: Turning Trauma into Triumph
Audio PlayerEach of us has a story, experiences, and circumstances that have shaped who we’ve become. Whether good or bad, these moments create an imprint on our body and mind that affect how we show up in the world. Will Rezin is a high-performance coach who has discovered that the key to transformation is in your heart, your body, and your nervous system.
Topics Covered:
Mysticism, the Hero’s journey, and rituals that mark passage into manhood
Do rites of passage happen whether we create them or not?
Boys learn what it is to be man by observing other men and modeling the behavior
How trauma that we experience continues to live in our bodies
Trauma can be defined as an unresolved charge or energy living in our body
The habitual patterns we develop in response to trauma and danger
What happens to our bodies when we don’t express and process trauma and our experiences in their entirety
How our experiences shape who we become and how we respond to our environment
Learning to embrace challenge
Importance of connection when it comes to rearing children
Learning how to notice our emotions and express them fully
Doing the work on yourself and taking care of you
Becoming a man with a transgender parent
Internalizing our parents’ stories
LIVE Somatic Experiencing Exercise