Much of what we suffer from is related directly to NOT taking responsibility for our circumstances. What if YOU were both the cause AND the solution to every challenge in your life? This week’s guest, Adam Roa, talks about taking radical ownership of your life and everything in it. As a creative artist, performer, change-maker, and social influencer, Adam brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table, specifically in the realms of personal accountability, taking MASSIVE action, and trusting your intuition enough to make the big leaps in life.

Topics Covered:

  • Taking ownership of yourself and everything in your life
  • How we create the reality we need to learn and grow
  • Accepting that we create everything in our lives gives us the power to create something different
  • Why we forget how powerful we truly are
  • Tools to help us move into full ownership of our lives
  • Clearing space in your life by getting rid of what you no longer need
  • Overcoming our deepest fears to live into our highest purpose
  • How to tap into your intuition and activate it
  • Appreciating the uniqueness of all beings, including ourselves
  • The power of empathy and how it can change the world
  • How media and marketing channels have manipulated our empathy
  • Why we feel hopeless at times when it comes to global issues
  • How we can create safe spaces for our women to express themselves  without sacrificing our dignity

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