RMP 090 - The Fierce Heart Of Service with Sanyika “The Firestarter” Street
While in the body of an NFL lineman, Sanyika’s courageous voice and fierce passion for service is what truly sets this brother apart from the pack. As a storyteller of many mediums, he helps others create a new script for their lives so they can step into leadership. His latest venture is a soulful, heartfelt campaign of service to raise awareness and funds to combat gun violence. Soak up the vibes from Sanyika because we all have a medicine in our hearts that our community’s needs.
Show Notes:
- A primal, ancestral energy is created when men gather with powerful intentions.
- A man has a foundation of meaning, while a boy is seeking meaning
- Massive shifts happen when we surround ourselves with accountable men
- What are you willing to give up for something GREATER?
- Bottled up fear and rage is a time bomb, ready to explode on anyone
- How can we serve those in this state of repressed fear? Be a space of safety, openness, and transparency.
- Integrity is not an all or nothing game – we are constantly learning and leveling up
- The relationship between gun violence, trauma, and masculine expression
- What type of future do we want for our children? We are CREATING THAT WORLD NOW, with every action and thought we invest in.
- Is mental illness responsible for every act of gun violence?
- The importance of community when it comes to violence and outbursts
- Even if the people in our lives were “perfect”, we would still find something to criticize!!
Connect with Sanyika
- Website – Firestarterlive.com
- Watch his latest inspirational video and check out his campaign at Teddybearcampaign.org
- Facebook – Sanyika TheFirestarter Street
- Instagram – firestarterlive