Be Willing To Look For The Good with Reina Iizuka
Audio PlayerReina Iizuka is valiantly blazing her own trail, becoming Canada’s first female University men’s tackle football player and a professional rugby player in the process. Her story is chock full of insights on masculine and feminine dynamics, as she was raised by a single mother and was constantly treated differently for being the only woman on the field. How she took this challenge by the horns and courageously followed her dreams is the real gift here – so tune in for the mindsets, philosophies, and perspectives that enable her vigorous and enthusiastic life!
[05:34] Why it’s important to hear women’s perspective on men and masculinity.
[08:11] How being raised by a single mom impacted Reina, and how coaches and other men stepped up to help.
[13:38] Is society becoming too quick to dismiss and cast out those who make a perceived mistake?
[18:41] How forgiveness and our capacity to hold intersect.
[24:20] What made Reina passionate about football? How did she rise up the ranks?
[32:40] How Reina made the best of 3 ACL tears and surgeries.
[38:05] What insights and advice Reina has on raising daughters.
[44:10] How being raised with brutal pragmatism and honesty helped her make sense of the world.
[49:16] What’s the most important virtue for young people?
Connect with Reina Iizuka:
Instagram || @_reinaiizuka
LinkedIn || Reina Iizuka
Rising Man Links:
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Initiation – Vision Fast || Compass is a 4 day 4 night Vision Fast in the wilderness, with preparation and incorporation calls in the months before and after.
YouTube || The Rising Man Movement
Dancing Bee Memorial Scholarship Fund || Supports our mission to provide young men with access to the medicine of nature, brotherhood, and transformational experiences.