“Your heart wants to greet the sun and the sun wants to greet you.”
Appreciate Each Precious Day with Angela Vincent
Audio PlayerThere’s no wrong way to connect with nature. Getting out of your head and into the dirt is so simple, yet the resistance is often fierce. For this segment’s FIRST INTERVIEW – we have the amazing Angela Vincent, nature mentor, grad student, grief counselor, and educator. Angela is a huge proponent of nature connection, and shares the benefits of remembering our sacred roots. We explore what inspired her to study permaculture, how to handle news of environmental devastation, and why linear thinking prevents us from reaching our full potential.
- [08:05] Is life nothing but a sacred game of peek-a-boo?
- [13:10] Why it’s not about connecting to nature, but a journey of remembering.
- [23:30] Do you ever go into nature and stay in your head?
- [25:25] What inspired Angela to explore permaculture, ecology, and nature connection?
- [29:24] Why does our society have so many cultural orphans?
- [38:09] Is there a wrong way to do nature connection?
- [46:29] How do you handle the environmental destruction going on?
- [50:01] Are greed, fear, and scarcity running the world?
- [56:09] The limitations of linear thinking.
- [1:01:35] What young children have taught Angela about the natural world.
Connect with Angela Vincent:
Website || inner-guide.org – Check out her retreats and other offerings – done over Zoom or in person around Santa Cruz!
Rising Man Links:
Instagram || @risingmanmovement
DOJO || A 4 day, carefully crafted sequence of rigorous exercises that will challenge the limits of your mental, physical, and emotional fortitude.
Men’s Circles || Are you ready to join other men JUST LIKE YOU who have found a way to RISE ABOVE life’s challenges and create a life of purpose and fulfillment? Join our online FIRE CIRCLE!
Online Course || IGNITE is a 12 week online program designed to ignite your purpose and propel you into freedom. Features weekly calls, online modules, growth assignments, and community support!
Initiation – Vision Fast || Compass is a 4 day 4 night Vision Fast in the wilderness, with preparation and incorporation calls in the months before and after.
YouTube || The Rising Man Movement
Dancing Bee Memorial Scholarship Fund || Supports our mission to provide young men with access to the medicine of nature, brotherhood, and transformational experiences.