RMP 158 - Cultivate Confidence & Date Differently with Alexandra Ballensweig

Do you view dating as a game to win or as an opportunity for connection and discovery? Our guest, Alexandra Ballensweig, makes the case for dating without expectations and agendas. As the creator of the humhum conscious dating platform and a facilitator of group dating experiences, she knows the most common pitfalls keeping men and women from blissful partnership. We cover why the modern definition of dating is faulty, how men can act more courageously, and why longing for relationship comes from scarcity.


Show Notes:

  • Why stability and courage are the most appreciated masculine qualities
  • What frustrates Alexandra most about men?
  • What is the problem with the word “dating” ?
  • Is dating a game or an opportunity for discovery and connection?
  • If we are presenting, we are NOT present
  • Why wanting and longing comes from a place of scarcity
  • How to view endings and closures as a success
  • Do you trust in the flow or do you want things to look a specific way?
  • How can you cultivate confidence?
  • Why curiosity and confidence are the keys to connecting with new people
  • How to cultivate the capacity to see what’s not working in ourselves


Connect with Alexandra:


Instagram | @humhumspace


Website | Humhum.space  *All virtual right now* Click for conscious group dating experiences and guided facilitated blind dates!