“Ancestral memories are waiting for us… they reawaken when we connect to the Earth”

Ylenia Aguilar is a woman on a massive mission – she aims on becoming Arizona’s first formerly undocumented Member of Congress. As a single mother with Indigenous + land based perspectives, Ylenia offers a fresh take on what it means to be a Earth protector and leader. Jeddy and Ylenia answer the most pressing questions of our time, from culture appropriation to climate change and beyond. Ylenia is an exceptionally powerful, insightful woman – tune in and hear her unique message.


[05:20] How Ylenia encourages positive masculine qualities as she raises sons.

[10:43] Are you carving out time in your busy schedule for introspective and reflective work?

[15:40] What motivates Ylenia to run for office and lead with compassion?

[21:27] How can we bring indigenous and land based perspectives to our way of being?

[25:02] What’s the deeper significance of these intense Summer temperatures?

[31:15] How lack of nature connection keeps humanity operating in this destructive way.

[38:32] Do people tend to overplay their victim stories? Is the American dream dead?


Connect with Ylenia Aguilar:

She’s running for Congress in Arizona – financial contributions can be accepted from anywhere!

Website || www.aguilar4congress.com

Twitter ||@yleniaaguilar

Facebook || Ylenia Aguilar For Congress

Rising Man Links: