How often throughout the day do you consider how your actions are contributing to your legacy? Many of us are out of touch with our legacy, but by connecting to it, it becomes a road map used to navigate our vision. We don’t need to become famous in order to leave a real, lasting impact on the world.


  • Give yourself permission to seek out the spaces that will allow you to drop your mask and story.
  • How often are you connecting to your legacy?
  • What does legacy mean, and where does the word come from?
  • When we start exploring our legacy, big questions come up about life purpose.
  • Legacy is not simply about what we physically leave behind, our actions have a spirit imprint as well.
  • Children are another way that we leave behind our legacy
  • How much of your day to day contributes to your legacy? Is it accounted for in the long term plan?
  • Even if our names are not remembered in the history books, we can make a major difference in the quality of life on this planet.
  • Life is not easy for those who are committed to making a change.


  • Reduce your purpose in life down to ONLY that which will live on after you’re gone
  • What will you leave behind?
  • What will you be remembered for?
  • What will live on past your name, past your memory?
  • What can you do TODAY to impact the legacy you will leave?
  • Share with The Rising Man Facebook Group

Info for Elements – Next event will take place on the 3rd weekend in January 2019!

*-*-*Be on the lookout for Compass – which will be a 4 day 4 night vision quest in CA, sometime after the next Elements event in 2019.*-*-

Instagram @therisingmanpodcast

Instagram @jeddyazuma

The Rising Man Facebook Group